When I would visit my In-laws in Algeria, I earned the name “Aisha Pishh Pishh” this is because I was constantly spraying my Anti-bac spray all about the place 😂 They didn’t sell the usual Dettol or Ecover in the shops, so I would bring my concentrated Zoflora over with me & mix with water & pishh away! Times have changed & so has the continent I reside in, so I can get a hold of that beloved Dettol, Zoflora & Anything else with ease. But during my time in Algeria I discovered a more thrifty way to keep the Pishh alive 😁
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Little hacks that will have you asking yourself why you never thought of these before!
Freshening Up Your Shoes –
Placing tea bags inside and leaving them overnight. The tea bags will keep the foul smell away and leave your shoes smelling fresh. Also, try sprinkling a teaspoon of baking soda in your shoes for a natural deodoriser.
Wrinkled Clothes without an Iron –
This tip removes wrinkled clothes without the use of an iron. All you have to do is put your wrinkled clothes in the dryer, add two ice cubes, spin, & in no time you’ll have wrinkled free clothes.
Stretching Those Jeans –
If you’re lucky enough to have lived in the 80s, you’ll remember the iconic Levi’s 501 advert where the model jumps in a bath of cold water to shrink he’s jeans, well…. warm water does the exact opposite! If you’ve got a pair of beloved jeans that have begun to feel a little snug (through no fault of your own of course) you’ll want to give them a little bit of leeway, the easiest way to do this is by spraying them with warm water & doing some stretches & lunges while wearing them, this will help break the denim in & make them fit you better.
Saving Your Leather shoes –
I’m sure you have a favourite pair of shoes that you don’t have the heart to throw away, or don’t have the funds to splash out on a new pair right now, So to save yourself heartache & money, simply give them a spring clean with a cotton pad & some olive oil. Bam! Good as new, shiny, moisturised leather shoes!
10 Little Money Saving Clothing Hacks –
Try these nifty quick fix tricks with ingredients you will most probably have lying around the house, it will save you a ton in dry cleaning bills!
- Remove yellow stains from white shirts with a mixture of Fairy Liquid/Dish detergent & peroxide. This removes even old stains, Just mix & apply to stain and allow it to soak before you wash it in the machine.
- Remove deodorant marks from your shirt by rubbing it with tights – genius!
- Use baby powder or cornflour to pre-treat oil stains on clothes. After about an hour, dust off the powder and use your own stain remover
- Freshen & sanitise items you don’t have time to wash, make your own Febreeze spray with a mixture of fabric softener, baking soda and hot water – pish pish!
- Use a window/glass cleaner like Mr Muscle to remove stains from patent leather shoes.
- Get the fuzz & fluff off of your sweaters with a shaver or pumice stone.
- Break in new shoes with a hairdryer! Put on some extra thick socks, then, using medium heat, point it on the tight areas. Wiggle your toes and walk around a bit to loosen them up.
- Spray your tights/stockings with hairspray to avoid ladders, If you do get a ladder, give it a dab with clear nail varnish to stop it running any further.
- Turn a regular bra into a racer-back or just keep the straps from slipping by using a large safety pin to connect them in the middle.
- Keep track of which clothes you never wear by turning all your hangers to face you, and when you wear an item, hang it back up with the hanger facing the opposite direction. At the end of the season, give the clothes that are still hanging face forward to charity!
See my favs at the moment – How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe+ Key Essentials & The low down of the best – Spring Outfits on a Budget
These tricks have gotten me out of some sticky situations when I’ve not been able to buy shop bought products & I’ve found them to be much more healthier around the family & budget friendly!
Reference –https://www.chasingfoxes.com/10-smart-fashion-hacks-thatll-help-save-money/
So these little savvy hacks should keep your purse full & your whites white 😁 what nifty tips do you have to add to this list? Let me know in the comments below & don’t forget to share!!
That coat hanger hack is brilliant!!
Amazing life hacks. Great post hun ❤
Thanks for checking it out 🙂
Thrifdee77, thank you for this post. Its very inspiring
I am in need of like 95% of these tips! This is great. I hate to admit it but my shoes do not smell pleasant at the moment. I’m definitely shoving some teabags in them when I get home tonight!
These are the best ideas ever! Seriously. I loved the tea bag tip. How have I never thought to try that?! Amazing! Also, I love that you guys call “runners” in pantyhose “ladders”. Great post, Dee! Pish Pish!
Yes, and we don’t call them pantyhose either 😂
Thanks. Sarcasm detector on the blink Dilley?
The baby powder on oil stains is going to be a lifesaver for Matt! He manages to get oil on pants and shirts almost every time he cooks! It would be impressive if he wasn’t so bummed about it afterwards!
Haha, great, no worries next time he cooks then! It really works!