When I first started blogging, I assumed you wrote your thoughts & “musings” down & people would flock to read. How wrong was I? This blogging malarkey can be a lot of work, but I’m not here to put you off! I’m here to say YES you can! & hopefully encourage you to become the blogger you always wanted to be! Being new to blogging can be overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! I have a few tips that will help you flourish! So let’s get to it!
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Tip #1
Be Consistent.
I never knew how important it was to have routine when I began blogging, Your readers/followers like to know when to expect new content from you. It’s no use posting once or twice a month, this is very slack when some post daily! While I’m not suggesting you slog your guts out trying to create content daily, I am saying you should stick to a schedule & make sure to post at least 2-3 times a week! SEO and traffic are important factors to consider too, so make sure you have your whitehat on! All that hard work shouldn’t be overlooked.
When I began posting more regularly, my blog traffic began to increase! Your audience wants new content from you. They look forward to reading your new blog posts! This also helps to keep your audience coming back for more!
How to focus on being a consistent blogger –
- Use a Bujo Planner: Bullet journals aren’t just for tracking your daily water intake, or meal planning. You can really benefit from having a Bujo to plan out your blog content. See how Kendra @ Helga Marie organizes up a storm with her Bujo ideas!
- Decide & designate days of the week to post: Choosing the same day each week to post helps your audience know when to your blog will have new content! So decide firstly how many days you can possibly post & then designate specific days & try to stick to those. I usually try to post Tuesdays & Thursdays, but as life, nothing always goes to plan, so sometimes, my Thursday can turn into a Friday… or even a Saturday morning! There’s no hard & fast rules, you can shift your days around as you become more familiar with blogging & knowing when your audience is more active. But for now stick to steady & slowly!
- Always have drafts: Having content prepared in advance is a lifesaver! For most bloggers I’m sure. Having something to fall back on in case of the real world being a b*tch & you not having enough ample time to create a post by your chosen publish day. You can always fall back on a draft & check it over for any fine details before hitting publish. Ideally, I like to have one or two days during the week where I type up a few blog posts & have them on standby just in case I didn’t finish something I was working on, or one of the kids has been sick, or something else. It’s always good to have a draft as backup!!
- Combat Procrastination: Set times when you can just completely block out everything that distracts you away from blogging & leave yourself time to focus & knuckle down on creating amazing content. Weather it’s creating your graphics in Canva or writing new content. Turn the phone on silent, Step away from any social media/tv & get into the zone & create! Set a timer if needed & see how quickly you can begin to get things done!
Tip #2
Build Your Tribe
Having a group of friends to motivate, support, & inspire you is invaluable! Blogging Groups & Communities are something you should really explore if you want to get your face known (so to speak) Networking & collaborating with other bloggers is a great way to make your blog known & increase engagement within your posts! Join a group that will help you flourish as a blogger, where you can get great tips & advice & most of all get engagement on your posts & have real critiques on your work. Whether it be guest posting on someone else’s blog or doing a collaborative post with another blogger. It’s really important to network! PLUS the more you get your website linked/backlinks on others blogs, the higher you could be ranking on google! Guest posting & collaborating with other bloggers can help your SEO (search engine optimization) This will help build trust on search engines & rank your blog & posts higher on searches. Joining an active group will not only boost your traffic, but your moral too & get you enthusiastic about your next publish!
Join The Viral Collective Facebook Group & watch your content go viral!
Tip #3
Don’t Get Discouraged
We’ve all been there, I sure have! You start off blogging for many reasons, some of us use it as a tool to let off steam, have our voice heard, others see it as a business to make a living out of. Yes, making money from blogging is a dream for many, who wouldn’t want to sit at home in their PJ’s earning a living from something they love to do? But if you let that become the main focus, I assure you that you will start to feel discouraged because the money takes a lot of work, effort & time! It may seem so easy to make money blogging, but it’s really not that simple in the beginning, trust me I know!
If you don’t have a passion for blogging, you might find yourself losing motivation because you want to make money from your blog & you see everyone else going viral with their blogs & you’re not! Don’t let that discourage you. Just continue to blog about the things you & your readers are passionate about, continue to focus & build engagement & connect with your audience because that’s what will help you go further.
Tip #4
Pinterest Strategies
Did you know that Pinterest is one of the #1 sources of most blog traffic on the internet at the moment? It really is an amazing way to get your brand/site noticed & also generate heavy traffic! As a new blogger you can become overwhelmed by so much, & handling the promotion side of it is one of the things that you really underestimate, but it is a pivotal part of what you’re doing!! I think every blogger should really focus on Pinterest to help grow their blog audience! You won’t realize just how powerful Pinterest is until you begin focusing on Pinterest & using my strategies to help.
Tip #5
Take time to learn
If I’d have done more research before launching my blog, I probably would have done things differently. I began with a free wordpress site & template, (which is fine of course!) But I could have monetized my site a lot sooner if that’s the route I wanted to take, had I got my own hosting & domain sooner, along with theme! But we live & learn! Thant’s why I’m telling you to take the time to invest in learning about Monetizing blogs, SEO, Pinterest, Social Media, Google Analytics, etc.
I don’t mean invest your money, invest your time! While there are many new bloggers that do opt in to buying courses & the like, it’s free to Google lots of things. Read around, grab advice, don’t be afraid to ask others!
I hope I have encouraged you to start your blogging journey or keep persevering with your blog. Blogging does not happen overnight.
Find your tribe, connect with your readers, & always be learning & you will be just fine.
Hey! Have any of these tips given you a boost to begin blogging or if you’re already blogging, do you have some tips you can add to this list? I would love to hear from you in the comments below & don’t forget to share!!
Yes your post did help! I’m new to blogging and no one really understands or truly supports what I am working towards. I stay focused by reading posts like yours to keep me in line and knowing I will get there- it just takes time.
Hi Sattice. Thank you so much for your feedback I am so happy this can be of some help to you! If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂 & thanks for passing by!
There are all really great tips! Especially finding a tribe! Between messaging with you, Kendra and Hayley.. groups like The Viral Collective have been so awesome!
Yes, totally! <3 Tribe love!