Collaborative Post
I know what you’re thinking… 2019 already? Do me a favor!! You’re too busy, holiday season is upon us & while all the merry jingly shopping is fun, you slowly have to come back down to reality at some point. This typically means uttering the “new year new me BS” that everyone will lie to themselves about sooner or later.
Seasonal changes almost always get me in a procrastinating rut, I become bored, unmotivated, stuck & stubborn! As the new year fast approaches, we start to evaluate what we’ve achieved in the last year & look forward to pushing ourselves further & bettering our lives.
Not all of us unfortunately are blessed with focus & determination, especially when it’s not even Christmas yet! So I’m here with a few ideas that will have you up your game & loose that stuck in a rut feeling for 2019!
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Start Off Small
Nobody is asking for major changes because we know these are usually the hardest to start with, so baby steps is all that’s needed to begin with, I’m talking simple little things that can make you feel peppy & more determined –
- Changing Your Diet – Slightly! What goes into our bodies says a lot about how we compute, we are what we eat, so I’m not saying you need to turn Vegan or hit the Keto diet hard. I’m suggesting little switch ups that can make you feel that little more energetic & motivated –
For instance, try drinking lemon/lime water in the morning, or my favourite sleep tonic – Apple Cider Vinegar & Honey, it makes me sleep like a baby, plus it’s 100% natural & helps with many ailments. - Starting A New Habit – A project, a hobby, something to wake you up! Think of something new that you could implement into your life that will refresh your zest for life. Sometimes there’s nothing like a brand new project to give you a totally refreshed perspective on life.
- Planning Your Time – If you’re anything like me & procrastinate constantly, you’ll need something to keep you on track, motivated & on TIME! Try using a Bujo starting a new planner, you’ll soon begin to overcome any time wasting & feel more productive as you can see your daily goals outlined in black & white!
- Reading Something Inspiring – Buy a new book or listen on Audible, to something that’s motivational & helps you to focus on new tasks. – I just finished Girl Wash Your Face & am feeling really inspired!
- Start A Side Hustle – What sparks you to feel motivated? Maybe it’s creating that e-course you’ve been planning for ages. It could be redesigning your website or outlining that book you’ve always wanted to write. Maybe its starting a blog, or revamping your current one & making it into a money making online shop! Whatever it is, a side hustle will keep you hungry for more – fact!
- Set Your Goals High – Nothing wrong with being high maintenance honey! Choosing something major that you want to accomplish will give you a great sense of motivation & light a fire in you to just keep moving, so don’t feel bad for setting goals unreasonably high, because you can achieve them with hard work & patience.
To make sure that you are living your life as well as possible, there are many things that you will need to consider. Changing your daily routine is the first step, there is also your home, your surroundings play a big part in saying how you are & how you’re feeling. Spring cleaning your mind & soul includes your home too so try this 21 Day Home Fix to get you started.
Changing The Way You Do The Daily Grind Starts Here –
- Self Development – Focus on improving yourself wherever possible in the future constantly work on yourself If you can do this, you will find that you are going to live a much better life, as you are essentially giving yourself the chance to live as fully & as true to yourself as possible.
- Travel More – You might not be able to afford to travel as much as you possibly would like to, but there are many ways to save money & travel for little. To be able to travel well, you need to plan it out & look after your money, being thrifty does have it’s good points 😉
- Financial Security – If you’re an online shopaholic, as I am. Make sure one of the main things is to ensure that you are protected from any kinds of fraud online, this is the quickest way put you in financial strife. Using a service like Lifelock, which protects your identity from being stolen & keeps you safe from fraud. This Lifelock review will show you just how useful the service can really be in your shopaholic life.
So getting out of that rut can be hard unless you really apply yourself, ignite your enthusiasm & pull yourself out of that hole! This shouldn’t be too hard because these are tiny steps that I know we can stick to easily if we work together! So here’s to a more productive 2019.
Hey! What’s your feelings on being stuck in a rut? Are you a procrastinator? Could you add some more tips to this list? If so let me know in the comments below & don’t forget to share!!
These are SUCH great ideas! I find the impending “New Year New Me” stuff stressful! So having way to get motivated is great!
Lauren |