Cor!…. Can’t Adam & Eve it!! Lil ol ThrifDee has been nominated for a Leibster Award!
To say I’m chuffed is an understatement!! Ive only just started out as a blogger & I must say I’m really enjoying the ride so far! I’ve had a set back health wise, but, now home from hospital & getting better daily Insha’Allah, I hope to be back with the ball rolling in no time!
Post Contains Affiliate Links full disclosure can be found on my Disclaimer page.
Sticking to the Rules –
I’ve been asked to answer some questions & share some random facts, set by my nominator Kate and nominate some other new bloggers that I like along the way…..
So who nominated me??
I bumped into a lovely lady named Kate on Facebook, who runs the ultimate mummy website, it gives you all you need in one spot, on top of that, it’s quirky, funny & downright honest!! Themumconundrum is a resource for all us mums who “Google” everything, well, no need now, she has it all under one roof! Along with her blog & Facebook group, this sassy mumma makes our jobs a lot easier at the click of a button! So she hit me up with a nomination for this award! *takes a bow*
Juicy bits – (about me obviously…. what were you thinking?) 😛
1.) What would you consider your best or most unusual talent and why?
Still thinking about that one….
2.) What’s your favorite box set?
Easy! – Friends!!
3.) What’s the funniest thing your kid / kids have ever said to you?
Me – “Ayah behave!!!”
Ayah – “Mummy I’m being haved” – Well…. she has a point! 😀
4.) If you could pick one superpower, what would it be and why?
Invisibility – To have a “nose” everywhere undetected, obviously!
5.) If you could throw a dinner party and invite three famous people (past or present) who would they be and why??
Bob Marley
Tupac Shakur – Varied reasons!
Randoms –
Besides being a full time mummy, I’m a qualified Teacher & Web/Graphic Designer.
I have good intentions and great ideas…. but procrastination & parenting gets the best of me…. “Meh”!
I’m addicted to Palestinian Za’atar and Turkish Lebneh….. & Croissants (did i mention together?)
I have an interior design obsession…. another one of my “good intentions” – oh well, I’ll just stick to procrastinating on Pintrest for my FIX!
I have picked some superb bloggers for my nominations for the 2017 Liebster Award. Here you can find links to their juicy blogs, please hop on over and give them a visit/shout/follow/scream…. all good!
Drumroll please!! –
- Sarah on – WhatMumEats
- Yousra on – Usranaeem
- Tanaaz on – BeFlawlessMuslim
- Carla on – OurAmanahsOurFutures
- Kushboo on – MumzyNotebook
OK Bloggers! Here’s what you need to do now to get your nomination rolling:
- Give a shout out to the blogger who nominated you (Moi!) Sharing is caring, so link back to my/their blog!
- Share some random facts about yourself
- Nominate 5 or more bloggers who you feel deserve this award & who have less than 200 followers!
- Answer questions posted by the person who nominated you & ask your nominees to answer questions (see below!)
- Comment on my original post letting me know you’ve accepted your nomination & leave a comment on Global Aussie blog post about the Liebster Award 2017 letting him know you have received a nomination.
- Most importantly – Have fun, this is a great way to get your blog out there, discover new blogs and help other bloggers out!!
My questions to you! –
- What has been your most successful moment to date?
- If you could change anything about the world right now, what would it be & why?
- Why is your blog different from the rest? What makes it shine?
- If you could go back in time, which era would you go to?
- Name your all time favorite song & why?
- Apple or Samsung?
Follow Up –All that is left now, is for you gorgeous bloggers to leave me a comment with a link below, so I know when you’ve completed your acceptance post!
Follow ThrifDee on social media so I can tag you!
As my daughter says….. “Let’s Rainbow”! 😛
Good luck!!
Yay! 😎
OMG Thankyou so much 💕
So happy. Will try to post it as early as possible.
Loved your answers.
Woah…!!!!! Thanks a lot for the nomination…. got the rules so in sha Allah will post by tomorrow.. this is sooooo exciting…. love it ❤
Salam, done with my post! here’s the link :
Haha! Rhyming slang makes much more sense, but I think it’s more like, let’s sparkle & be fabulous! 😂
Yay! Can’t wait to see your post, don’t forget to follow on social media so I can tag you! 😉
Eeek. I think I undertand the rules! Will get on it tomorrow Inshallah. Lets Rainbow. In honour or your little girl im going to make that one fashion. Im presuming its like rhyming slang for lets go 😉