You might think that the concept of spending to save is strange. I promise you this can work & I’m going to show you how – After all, they don’t call my ThrifDee for nothing!! 😀
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What does going green actually mean?
Going green is something we all should be striving to live by! You might think it’s just a fad for hippy’s, but I’m sure you care for your environment without even realising. If you care about your own & families health, if you strive to be healthy, if you want the best quality of life, then I’m pretty sure going green for you will be easy! It’s even easier when you know it can also save you money! Why would you even think twice? Being more environmentally friendly and making ecologically responsible decisions are just the beginning! You can easily go green to ultimately cut a lot of the costs from your budget.
Ok so tell me how?
There are many ways to go green –
- Save energy
- Use less water
- If you’re a meat eater, Have a meatless Monday – or any other day
- Recycle
- Use renewable power when possible (rechargeable batteries solar panels solar lighting)
- Eat home made food
- Waste not, want not! Use your waste for many things – composting, feeding bread crusts to ducks, left overs to the strays
- Make your own cleaning supplies
Renewable energy
When I lived in Algeria, I endured many power cuts! & I always wondered why the homes didn’t take advantage of the abundance of sunshine they had by installing renewable power! The world is getting hotter with temperatures rising at least one degree every year. What that means for the planet is a little depressing but for your budget, it means that you can actually take advantage of this with Solar panels! It will cost a few thousand to install initially, but once they are set up, you’ll find that they cut a fortune out of your energy bills through the summer months. Plus they make your home more valuable. This is something that, once implemented can seriously reduce outgoings & you’re also doing your part for the environment! Imagine living completely off the grid? Even if you live in London or any other city around the UK, those rising temperatures can make it happen!
Upgrading Your Tech
Can we afford to upgrade? Not always, but by actually upgrading your tech you’re going to get a device which is much more energy efficient than say, the TV you bought two years ago? It most probably isn’t nearly as energy saving as the upgrade available on the market right now, am I right? That’s why you should consider upgrading see it as an investment. Yes, you’ll have to spend a few hundred for the new set but it’s going to help you cut your electric bill in half. It’s not just the TV either. Virtually any piece of tech that you are using in your home can be upgraded for a better model that is going to use less power. Ultimately, by investing in the cheap second-hand product, you are basically creating a false economy with your personal income. You’re not saving money at all – you’re losing it!
What about those wheels?
Going green also means caring about the air around you. Having a SmogMart Checkup is the best way to keep your car green. Additionally, while you might think that this is far beyond the constraints of your budget, you might be surprised. By paying for it over an extended period of time, you’ll find the cost of a car is far more manageable & will fit into your personal budget. Especially with all these no interest options available, which is great for those of us that do not want to accumulate Riba (interest) The benefit of getting a new car is that you’ll get a better efficiency level which means that you won’t need to refill for fuel quite as often, nor will it be letting out harmful emissions into the environment around you like older cars do. Now I just need to pass my driving test so I can finally purchase a new Mercedes A Class 😀
How are you doing your part for the environment? Could you go green? Let me know in the comments below & don’t forget to share!!
This post could not have found it’s way into my life at a better moment- got an UGLY energy bill today! Looking for one time things to buy to continuously reduce energy costs is definitely something we will be investing in!
Lauren | https://livebythesunshine.com/
Yes I feel ya! Start as we mean to go on, we can not only save on our pockets, but the environment too! – win!