Nobody has it all figured out, life these days is more busy than we really know how to deal with. But having a few nifty tips can help you streamline everything so you can focus on what really matters…
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Learn To Delegate
First of all, remember that it’s okay to not do every single thing yourself. After all, most people have learned to delegate at work – we have teams there who can share the burden of projects that have to be completed in next to no time, we have assistants, we have understanding bosses. But at home, it’s often a different story. We’ve seen women who can’t trust their partners to clean or to cook or to get jobs done around the house, we look on in horror knowing full well that we will only go & re-do whatever it is they’ve done – & even worse, we’ve all heard stories about husbands & partners who refer to childcare as ‘babysitting’. But it’s important to remember that household chores & childcare should be shared between you & your partner.
If you’re a stay at home parent, that’s great – but remember that your partner needs to bond with your kids in the evenings & at the weekends. You don’t have to watch over that – take some time for yourself to have a bath, see your own friends, & have some me time for yourself. If both you and your partner work, however, you’ll need to delegate even more effectively. For example, maybe you’ll hire a nanny, encourage your parents or another family member to take over the responsibility now and then, or even find a professional provider of child care in Wilmington, DE, or elsewhere more relevant, to look after the children when you are busy. Remember, you can’t do everything yourself & it will be better for your relationships if you stop trying to.
If you’re a stay at home parent, that’s great – but remember that your partner needs to bond with your kids in the evenings & at the weekends. You don’t have to watch over that – take some time for yourself to have a bath, see your own friends, & have some me time for yourself. You can’t do everything yourself & it will be better for your relationships if you stop trying to.
Start To De-Clutter
Everyone would like a cleaner and less cluttered house, but it can sometimes be hard to know where to begin. A lot of items have sentimental value, and others just feel overwhelming because you don’t know what to do with them. In this case, it’s a great idea to follow Marie Kondo’s policies. Go through your home in terms of categories in terms of rooms: go through your books, your clothes, your ornaments, and so on. This means that things won’t get shifted from room to room as you go through, so it will be more of a thorough clean-up. You should also consider whether an object is either useful or sparks joy in you. If it’s neither, there may be no point in keeping it, so thank it for the value it had in your life, and discard or donate.
Become Less Available
The concept of being less available might be a little frightening, but in the long run it’s an excellent idea. With our phones, tablets & computers, we’re always reachable. This can be useful a lot of the time but it also detracts us from what’s happening in the now. Almost everyone has spent time out at dinner watching their dining companion replying to a message on their phone. So it’s a good idea to become less available – delete Facebook from your phone so you can’t access it when you’re out and about, stop answering messages after a certain time in the evening, delete Twitter when you have a big work project. Being less available means that you’ll have more time and energy to focus on your everyday life.
Figure Out Your Health
Our health is something that takes our time & attention: if we don’t feel good then it’s hard to get things done, but it’s also hard to summon up the energy to make ourselves feel better or visit a doctor. It’s great to get check-ups whenever you can, particularly at the dentist, and you should also take careful stock of your body and its changes: get any suspicious-looking moles or lumps and bumps checked out before they become an issue. Earlier is always better so these things are easier to cure. If you find yourself constantly shuttling to and from the chemist with various prescriptions, remember you can register online for them instead, which can be a whole lot more convenient. Finally, it’s summer, which means it’s the perfect time to rejoice in natural produce and go for fresh fruits and vegetables – this time of year, a bowl of summer fruit is the best and healthiest dessert out there.
Plan Out Your Time
Finally, planning out your time is a great way to prioritise & to make sure that everything you do really matters. Look in your kitchen cupboards to decide what you’re going to eat for dinner every day so you don’t have to do last minute grocery runs or order expensive take-out food all the time, & start batch-cooking for your lunches. Make sure that every member of your family has a schedule planned out so you don’t get confused with what’s happening each evening.
There are definitely plenty of ways to make your life feel easier & more streamlined – simplicity is key to leading a balanced everyday existence.
Hey! What ways do you get a hold of your life & make it more streamlined? Let me know in the comments below & don’t forget to share!!
This are such perfect tips! Especially delegating and becoming less available! You have to choose your goals carefully and say no to everything else!
Lauren | https://livebythesunshine.com/
I know right? Thanks for reading! 🙂